Atlassian Bamboo v2.1.1 英文正式版(持續集成構建伺服器軟體)
Step 1: Unpack, Install. Extract into :
Step 2: Run from prompt "java -jar patcher.jar"
Step 3: Start the server, and connect to it via
http://localhost:8085, Under the license key enter any 3
line code. Yes that is correct, the code must be on 3 lines.
Atlassian Bamboo 是一款持續集成構建伺服器軟體(Build Server)。
More than a conventional continuous integration (CI) server, Bamboo
provides Build Telemetry to help identify and highlight trends,
patterns, and linkages across builds ?not just focusing on the
results of a single build.
Bamboo gives you:
- Dynamic real-time telemetry to help you improve existing
and future builds, tests and teams.
- Continuous improvement in the health of your projects with
advanced continuous integration features.
- Instant feedback via a range of notification and personalisation
options to suit the way you work.
- Collaboration features including labels and comments.
Atlassian Bamboo v1.2.1 英文正式版(持續集成構建伺服器軟體(Build Server)軟體)
Atlassian Bamboo v2.2.4 英文正式版(持續集成構建伺服器軟體)
Atlassian Bamboo v2.2.1 英文正式版(持續集成構建伺服器軟體)
Atlassian Bamboo v2.7.1 英文正式版(持續集成構建伺服器軟體)
Atlassian Confluence v2.5.7 英文正式版(基於J2EE專業技術的wiki軟體)
Atlassian Crowd v2.1.0 英文正式版(應用程式預備和身份管理,基於網頁的單獨命令行軟體)
Atlassian Crowd v2.0.5 英文正式版(目錄伺服器管理驗證和授權軟體)